Name | Industry & Establishments |
Summary | Industry by establishment size (employee count) |
Additional Background | This database contains industries by the number of employees for each establishment. Industries are organized by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The Census Bureau provides more details on NAICS here.
Data are available for the United States, states, counties, cities, and ZIP Codes, including those associated only with P.O. Boxes. City totals reflect the sum of standard ZIP Codes, i.e., those with geographic boundaries, plus P.O. Box-only ZIP Codes associated with the same city.
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States, Counties, City or Other Local Government, ZIP Code |
Periodicity | Annually |
Series Begins/Ends | 2017 - 2022 |
Data Source | U.S. Bureau of the Census |
Summary | Industry by establishment size (employee count) |
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States, Counties, City or Other Local Government, ZIP Code |
Series Begins/Ends | 2017 - 2022 |
Reporting Period | Annually |
New Database added | Sep. 13, 2024 |
Estimated next update | Jun. 27, 2025 |
Original Source | U.S. Bureau of the Census |
Source (APA): |
State Statistics. (2024, September 13). Industry & Establishments.
Set APA as default format |
This database contains industries by the number of employees for each establishment. Industries are organized by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The Census Bureau provides more details on NAICS here.
Data are available for the United States, states, counties, cities, and ZIP Codes, including those associated only with P.O. Boxes. City totals reflect the sum of standard ZIP Codes, i.e., those with geographic boundaries, plus P.O. Box-only ZIP Codes associated with the same city.