

State and Local Government Public-Employee Retirement Systems (Archives, 1993-2018)

Summary Revenues, expenditures, financial assets, benefits, and membership information for defined benefit public employee retirement systems
Geographic Coverage States, Counties, City or Other Local Government
Series Begins/Ends 1993 - 2018
Reporting Period Annually
New Database added Sep. 09, 2019
Next update None
Original Source U.S. Census Bureau
Number of records 430,875
File Size 66.9MB

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2019, September 9). State and Local Government Public-Employee Retirement Systems (Archives, 1993-2018).,-1993-2018).html?bid=%27NTI%3D%27&dbc=cmFuZF91c2E%3D
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This database reports revenues, expenditures, financial assets, benefits, and membership information for defined benefit public employee retirement systems. Data are collected through regular surveys; these surveys cover retirement systems that are sponsored by a recognized unit of government with membership of public employees who are compensated with public funds. Some data are modified by analysts. Some values are imputed.  We have indentified data anomalies as values that vary substantially (roughly three standard deviations) from the mean (average) over the time period reported.  


Some variables are no longer collected. Data are not available for all combinations of pension systems and categories.  NA indicates data are not avaialble.  

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