Name | Social Security Maximum Taxable Earnings and Contribution Rates (Archives, 1937-2021) |
Summary | Social Security, Medicare, and Disability Insurance maximum taxable earnings and contribution rates |
Additional Background | This database reports the annual maximum taxable earnings for Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits. There is no additional Social Security, Medicare, or Disability Insurance tax above these maximum earnings. The database also contains Social Security, Medicare, and Disability Insurance contribution rates for employers and employees, and for self-employed persons. Rates are reported in percent and reflect total rates paid by both employer and employee. Certain individuals will be required to pay a 0.9 percent higher Medicare tax in 2013. For example, married couples filing jointly will pay this amount above $250,000 in income. For additional information, see the U.S. Social Security Administration.
See detailed background for more information on maximum taxable earnings, contribution rates, and the evolution of both.
Geographic Coverage | U.S. |
Periodicity | Annually |
Series Begins/Ends | 1937 - 2021 |
Data Source | Social Security Act of 1935 (the Act), as amended through December 31, 2011; regulations issued under the Act; and precedential case decisions (ruling). |
Summary | Social Security, Medicare, and Disability Insurance maximum taxable earnings and contribution rates |
Geographic Coverage | U.S. |
Series Begins/Ends | 1937 - 2021 |
Reporting Period | Annually |
Updated | Sep. 07, 2021 |
Next update | None |
Original Source | Social Security Act of 1935 (the Act), as amended through December 31, 2011; regulations issued under the Act; and precedential case decisions (ruling). |
Number of records | 10 |
Values Missing or Not Reported | 20.0% |
Source (APA): |
State Statistics. (2021, September 7). Social Security Maximum Taxable Earnings and Contribution Rates (Archives, 1937-2021).,-1937-2021).html?bid=%27NjA%3D%27&dbc=cmFuZF91c2E%3D
Set APA as default format |
This database reports the annual maximum taxable earnings for Social Security, Medicare, and disability benefits. There is no additional Social Security, Medicare, or Disability Insurance tax above these maximum earnings. The database also contains Social Security, Medicare, and Disability Insurance contribution rates for employers and employees, and for self-employed persons. Rates are reported in percent and reflect total rates paid by both employer and employee. Certain individuals will be required to pay a 0.9 percent higher Medicare tax in 2013. For example, married couples filing jointly will pay this amount above $250,000 in income. For additional information, see the U.S. Social Security Administration.
See detailed background for more information on maximum taxable earnings, contribution rates, and the evolution of both.