

Per Capita Consumption of Various Nutrients (Archives, 1909-2006)

Summary Per capita availability of various nutrients and other food components
Geographic Coverage U.S.
Series Begins/Ends 1909 - 2006
Reporting Period Annually
Updated Feb. 01, 2012
Next update None
Original Source US Department of Agriculture
Number of records 29

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2012, February 1). Per Capita Consumption of Various Nutrients (Archives, 1909-2006).,-1909-2006).html?dbc=cmFuZF91c2E%3D
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This database provides data on per capita consumption of various nutrients and other food components, per capita, per day. Nutrients and food components included are food energy, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, cholesterol, fiber, vitamins, and others.  The Economic Research Service (ERS) within the U.S. Department of Agriculture no longer reports these data.

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