Name | Offender Demographics |
Summary | Crimes by offense, race, ethnicity, and age |
Additional Background | This database reports arrest data for 29 arrest classifications for participating agencies in the FBI's Unified Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. Data are not avaialable for all possible combinations of offenses, demographic categories, and areas. 2020-2022 calendar year updates are inconsistent for many areas. We assume that this may reflect difficulties during the COVID pandemic. We will revise data periodically with the expectation that future updates will be more consistent. As a result, U.S., state, and county totals in these years may understate actual counts. We will revise data periodically with the expectation that future updates will be more consistent.
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States, Counties, City or Other Local Government |
Periodicity | Annually |
Series Begins/Ends | 1988 - 2014 - 2022 |
Data Source | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Summary | Crimes by offense, race, ethnicity, and age |
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States, Counties, City or Other Local Government |
Series Begins/Ends | 1988 - 2014 - 2022 |
Reporting Period | Annually |
Updated | Dec. 19, 2024 |
Estimated next update | Jan. 02, 2025 |
Original Source | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
Sample File | |
Number of records | 57,019,426 |
Values Missing or Not Reported | 49.9% |
Source (APA): |
State Statistics. (2024, December 19). Offender Demographics.
Set APA as default format |
This database reports arrest data for 29 arrest classifications for participating agencies in the FBI's Unified Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. Data are not avaialable for all possible combinations of offenses, demographic categories, and areas. 2020-2022 calendar year updates are inconsistent for many areas. We assume that this may reflect difficulties during the COVID pandemic. We will revise data periodically with the expectation that future updates will be more consistent. As a result, U.S., state, and county totals in these years may understate actual counts. We will revise data periodically with the expectation that future updates will be more consistent.
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