Name | Housing Units |
Summary | Housing units and average persons per unit in US, states, counties |
Additional Background |
This database contains the number of housing units for the U.S., states, and counties on July 1 of each year. Housing units reflect the available number of units, not the occupied number of units. The database also contains the average number of persons per housing unit based on population data provided by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Housing unit estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes to the April 1, 2010 housing units due to the Count Question Resolution program and geographic program revisions. See U.S. Bureau of the Census for additional information on methodology.
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States, Counties |
Periodicity | Annually |
Series Begins/Ends | 2010 - 2023 |
Data Source | U.S. Bureau of the Census |
Summary | Housing units and average persons per unit in US, states, counties |
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States, Counties |
Series Begins/Ends | 2010 - 2023 |
Reporting Period | Annually |
New Database added | Jan. 22, 2025 |
Estimated next update | Jan. 22, 2026 |
Original Source | U.S. Bureau of the Census |
Sample File | |
Number of records | 9,584 |
Values Missing or Not Reported | 0.1% |
File Size | 2.2MB |
Source (APA): | |
This database contains the number of housing units for the U.S., states, and counties on July 1 of each year. Housing units reflect the available number of units, not the occupied number of units. The database also contains the average number of persons per housing unit based on population data provided by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Housing unit estimates are based on the 2010 Census and reflect changes to the April 1, 2010 housing units due to the Count Question Resolution program and geographic program revisions. See U.S. Bureau of the Census for additional information on methodology.
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