

Federal Spending in U.S. States and Counties (Archives, 1996-2010)

Summary Federal spending by agency and program
Geographic Coverage U.S., States, Counties
Series Begins/Ends 1996 - 2010
Reporting Period Annually
Updated Apr. 04, 2013
Next update None
Original Source U.S. Bureau of the Census
Number of records 4,709,618
File Size 1091.5MB

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2013, April 4). Federal Spending in U.S. States and Counties (Archives, 1996-2010).,-1996-2010).html?bid=%27NTI%3D%27&dbc=cmFuZF91c2E%3D
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This form provides federal spending by agency (e.g., EPA, Federal Highway Administation, Dept. of Defense, etc.) and program (Population Research, Charter Schools, National Institute for Literary, etc.) in U.S. States. Years refer to federal fiscal years (Oct.-Sep.). All data are reported in current dollars.  Data are not available for all combinations of states, spending categories, and programs. 

Please enter a category.   

 Salaries and wages  Procurement contracts  Direct payments for individuals (retirement and disability only)
 Direct payments for individuals (other than retirement and disability)  Direct payments other than for individuals  Grants (block, grants, formula grants, project grants, and cooperative agreements)
 Direct loans  Guaranteed/insured loans  Insurance
 Total, all categories

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