

Discharges, Care, and Stays in Hospitals (Archives, 1980-2010)

Summary Hospital discharges, days of care, and average length of stays in nonfederal short-stay hospitals
Geographic Coverage U.S.
Series Begins/Ends 1980, 1985 - 2010
Reporting Period Annually
Updated May 07, 2013
Next update None
Original Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Number of records 117

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2013, May 7). Discharges, Care, and Stays in Hospitals (Archives, 1980-2010).,-care,-and-stays-in-hospitals-(archives,-1980-2010).html?bid=%27Ng%3D%3D%27&dbc=cmFuZF91c2E%3D
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This database presents data on hospital discharges, days of care, and average lengths of stay.  Data are available for 1980, 1985, and 1990-2010.  Data are shown per by age, gender, and geographic region per 10,000 civilian population on July 1 of each year.  Data are not available for all possible combinations. 

  • Comparisons of data from 1980-1985 with data from subsequent years should be made with caution because estimates of change may reflect improvements in the survey design rather than true changes in hospital use.  In addition, starting in 2008, the sample of nonfederal short-stay hospitals was cut in half, and population estimates for 1990-1999 have not been revised to reflect the 2000 Census.
  • Rates for 1990-1999 use population estimates based on the 1990 census adjusted for net underenumeration using the 1990 National Population Adjustment Matrix from the U.S. Census Bureau.  Rates for 2000 and beyond are based on the 2000 Census.  
  • Data exclude newborn infants.

Effective Oct. 12, 2015, this database will no longer be updated.

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