

Deficient and Obsolete Bridges (Archives, 1992-2015)

Summary Number of structurally deficient or obsolete bridges on public roads, including Interstate Highways, U.S. highways, State and county roads, andpublicly-accessible bridges on Federal lands
Geographic Coverage U.S., States
Series Begins/Ends 1992 - 2016
Reporting Period Annually
Updated Aug. 08, 2017
Next update None
Original Source US Department of Transportation, National Bridge Inventory
Number of records 848
Values Missing or Not Reported 2.1%
File Size 0.2MB

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2017, August 8). Deficient and Obsolete Bridges (Archives, 1992-2015).,-1992-2015).html
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This database provides information on the number of structurally deficient or obsolete bridges on public roads, including Interstate Highways, U.S. highways, State and county roads, andpublicly-accessible bridges on Federal lands. (NHS refers to bridges in the National Highway System.)  It contains a state-by-state summary of the number, location, and general condition of highway bridges.  See detailed background for more information


Categories include:

  • Number of bridges
  • Number of structurally deficient bridges
  • Number of functionally obsolete bridges
  • Number of deficiency (Total number of structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridges)
  • Total area (Total bridge area)
  • Structurally deficient area (Structurally deficient weighted by deck area)
  • Functionally obsolete area (Functionally obsolete weighted by deck area)
  • Deficient area (Structurally plus functionally obsolete weighted by deck area).

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 Deficient area  Functionally obsolete area  Number of bridges
 Number of deficiency  Number of functionally obsolete bridges  Number of structurally deficient bridges
 Structurally deficient area  Total area

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