

Cigarette Smoking (Archives, 1996-2019)

Summary Percent of current smokers, heavy smokers, recent smokers, and non-smokers in the general population
Geographic Coverage States
Series Begins/Ends 1996 - 2019
Reporting Period Annually
Updated Oct. 03, 2022
Next update None
Original Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Number of records 22,572
Values Missing or Not Reported 47.6%
File Size 4.3MB

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2022, October 3). Cigarette Smoking (Archives, 1996-2019).,-1996-2019).html
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This archived database contains smoking status (current, former, and those who have never smoked), smoking frequency, current smokers by gender, race, ethnicity, attempts to quit by current smokers, and cigarette consumption.  U.S. data reflect median values for all states and the District of Columbia.  As noted below, data are not available for all search combinations.  Some data are suppressed due to a small sample size.  Users should exercise caution when comparing data before and after 2010 as survey methodology changed over that period.  See Glossary and Methodology for additional information. 

  • For smoking status:

  • For smoking frequency:
    • Every day smokers is the percentage of smokers who reported ever smoking at least 100 cigarettes and who currently smoke every day.
    • Some days smokers is the percentage of smokers who reported ever smoking at least 100 cigarettes and who currently smoke on some days. The sum of every day and some days smokers equals 100 percent.


Please enter a state.    The data source, the CDC, does not report values for all states in all years.  These are generally revised over time to include values.    All

Please enter a measure.    Includes smoking status, frequency, daily cigarette consumption, quit attempts, and smoking by race/ethnicity.  Average represent the arithmetic mean of high and low reported values.  Data are not available for all categories in all years.    All

Please choose a value.    <ul>
<li>Average represent the arithmetic mean.
<li>High value reflects the maximum of a 95% confidence interval.
<li>Low value reflects the minimum of a 95% confidence interval.
</ul>    All

 Average  High value  Low value

Please choose a gender.    All

 Both Genders  Male  Female

Please choose a race.    All

 African American  All Races  American Indian/Alaska Native
 Asian/Pacific Islander  Hispanic  White

Please choose an age range.    All

 All Ages  18 to 24 Years  18 to 44 Years
 25 to 44 Years  45 to 64 Years  65 Years and Older
 Age 20 and Older  Age 25 and Older

Please choose an education level.    All

 All Grades  12th Grade  < 12th Grade
 > 12th Grade

Please choose a time period.

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