

Child Support Programs

Summary Child support enforcement program caseloads and collections
Geographic Coverage U.S., States
Series Begins/Ends 2009 - 2023
Reporting Period Annually
Updated Nov. 06, 2024
Estimated next update Oct. 11, 2025
Original Source Health and Human Services
Number of records 935
Values Missing or Not Reported 8.4%
File Size 0.2MB

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2024, November 6). Child Support Programs.
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This database contains statistical and financial information on state Child Support Enforcement (CSE) programs that are reported to the Office of Child Support Enforcement, (HHS) on form OCSE-157. This information is used by HHS to determine compliance with sections 409, 452(a) and (g), 458, and 469 of the Social Security Act (the Act). That Act requires HHS to establish standards for an effective Child Support Enforcement program, to establish minimum organization and staffing requirements, and to make annual reports to the Congress on program activities. Information submitted by the states will also enable HHS to compute individual state incentive, penalty, and outcome measures to be used  in evaluating state performance in running a CSE program.  Data reflect Fiscal Years ending Sept. 30.


The Enforcement Program locates absent parents, establishes paternity of children born out of wedlock, and establishes and enforces support orders. By law, these services are available to all families that need them. The program is operated at the state and local government level, but approximately two-thirds of administrative costs are paid by the Federal government. Child support collected for families not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) goes to the family to help it remain self-sufficient. Most of the child support collected on behalf of TANF families goes to Federal and state governments to offset TANF payments. Some states pass-through a portion of the Child Support collections to help families become self-sufficient.  For additional information, see the Office of Child Support Enforcement.

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