

Average Industry Wages (Quarterly Data) (Archives, 1975-2016)

Summary Average industry wages and employment by type of ownership and by industry sector
Geographic Coverage U.S., States, Counties
Series Begins/Ends 1975 - 2016
Reporting Period Quarterly
New Database added Nov. 23, 2016
Next update None
Original Source Bureau of Labor Statistics
Number of records 340,198,872
Values Missing or Not Reported 52.0%
File Size 5412MB
Latest data available Quarter 4, 2016

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2016, November 23). Average Industry Wages (Quarterly Data) (Archives, 1975-2016).,-1975-2016).html
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This quarterly database is no longer updated.  See related databases.

This database includes quarterly and annual average industry wages by type of ownership and by industry group.  Information is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) that includes employment and wage data in over 2,400 industries and industry groups. Wage data outputs include monthly employment, quarterly wages and contributions, and average weekly wage.  Data are revised on a regular basis. 


Note: Some data are available since 1975; many are available only since 1990.



Please enter a state or county.    Choose up to three areas only.   

Please choose a type of ownership.    All

 Federal Government  International Government  Local Government
 Private  State Government  Total Covered
 Total Government  Total U.I. Covered (Excludes Federal Government)

Please choose a sector.   

 Accommodation and food services  Administrative and waste services  Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
 Arts, entertainment, and recreation  Construction  Educational services
 Finance and insurance  Health care and social assistance  Information
 Management of companies and enterprises  Manufacturing  Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction
 Other services, except public administration  Professional and technical services  Public administration
 Real estate and rental and leasing  Retail trade  Total, all industries
 Transportation and warehousing  Unclassified  Utilities
 Wholesale trade

Please enter an industry.   

Please choose a category.    All