

Adults on Parole, Probation, Or Community Supervision (Archives, 1975-2016)

Summary Number of persons on parole, probation, and community supervision and number per 1,000 population
Geographic Coverage U.S., States
Series Begins/Ends 1975 - 2016
Reporting Period Annually
Updated May 16, 2018
Next update None
Original Source Bureau of Justice Statistics
Number of records 312
Values Missing or Not Reported 3.8%
File Size 0.1MB

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2018, May 16). Adults on Parole, Probation, Or Community Supervision (Archives, 1975-2016).,-probation,-or-community-supervision-(archives,-1975-2016).html
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This database contains the number of persons on parole, probation, and community supervision (i.e., the sum of parole and probation) and the rate per adult, defined as age 18 or above.  Figures reflect population counts on December 31st of each year.  In some cases, reporting states update this end of year count with a count on January 1st of the following year; these are reported as counts on December 31st for consistency   


NOTE: Rate categories, e.g., Probationers per 1,000 reflect the number of probationers per total population, not adult population.

The survey was not conducted in 1991.  January 1, 1992 population counts were used as estimates of the December 31, 1991 population counts. For additional information on the methodology used, see the Bureau of Justice Statistics.


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 Probationers per 1,000 population  Under community supervision  Under community supervision per 1,000 population

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