


Summary Number of births, birth and parent characteristics
Geographic Coverage U.S., States, Counties
Series Begins/Ends 1995 - 2023
Reporting Period Annually
Updated Dec. 29, 2024
Estimated next update Nov. 20, 2025
Original Source Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Sample File
Number of records 177,173
Values Missing or Not Reported 50.7%
File Size 33.5MB

Source (APA):

State Statistics. (2024, December 29). Births.
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This database report counts of live births occurring within the United States by state, county, child's gender and weight, mother's race, mother's age, mother's education, gestation period, and prenatal care.  Births to nonresidents of the United States are excluded from all tabulations by place of residence. Data are derived from birth certificates. Counties with fewer than 100,000 persons are combined together under the label "Unidentified Counties."  For confidentiality reasons, totals of 1-5 in counties are suppressed.  Data are not available for all counties. 


Single race categories include: All Races, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, More than one race, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Not Available, and Unknown or Not Stated.  Bridged race categories include All Races, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black or African American, White, and Not Reported.


Changes in demographic category classifications in 2010 make some birth and fertility rates comparisions inconsistent with earlier years.  Users should exercise caution when comparing time series data across races and/or ethnicities because of this change. 


Note that some states, including California, ceased reporting the mother's age and marital status, e.g., Mothers 25-29, Unmarried, Mothers 25-29, Married, etc. in 2017.  Instead, while states still report the mother's age, they report marital status as unknown or not available.  


See additional documentation from the CDC for changes in some variables over time. 

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<li>Birth rates = number of births divided by total population.</li>
<li>Fertility rates = number of births divided by the number of females ages 15- 44.</li>
<li>Mother's Race or Hispanic Origin includes American Indian, Alaskan Native, Asian, Pacific Islander, Black or African American, Central or South American, Cuban, Hispanic, Mexican, White, Puerto Rican, other combinations, and unstated.  Please note that the CDC does not provide additional race or Hispanic origin information.</li>
<li>Birthweight is the weight of the baby (in grams) when it is born. 1 pound = 454 grams.</li>
<li>Gestational Period is the range of weeks that represents the duration of the pregnancy at the time of birth. Usual gestation period for a normal birth is 38-42 weeks.</li>
<li>Prenatal Care states if and when prenatal care began.  Prenatal care represents regular check-ups throughout the course of the pregnancy that benefit both mother and child.</li>

<li>See Additional Background above for more category details.

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