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This database provides GDP by state and GDP per capita in nominal and constant or "chained" (2012) dollars. Constant or chained dollars reflect GDP by state adjusted for inflation to allow comparisons in real terms over time. Data are based on North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) categories. Per capita figures are based on July 1st population data from the Bureau of the Census.
The composition of some areas have changed over time. These include:
Estimates from 2008 forward separate Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area (02232) into Skagway Municipality (02230) and Hoonah-Angoon Census Area (02105). Estimates from 2009 forward separate Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area (02280) into Petersburg Census Area and Wrangell City and Borough (02275). In addition, a part of the Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area (02201) was annexed by Ketchikan Gateway Borough (02130) and part (Meyers Chuck Area) was included in the new Wrangell City and Borough (02275). The remainder of the Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area (02201) was renamed Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area (02198). Petersburg Borough (02195) was created from part of former Petersburg Census Area and part of Hoonah-Angoon Census Area (02105) for 2013 forward. Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area (02198) added part of the former Petersburg Census Area beginning in 2013. For years 2009-2012, Petersburg Borough (02195) reflects the geographic boundaries of the former Petersburg Census Area.
Wade Hampton Census Area was renamed Kusilvak Census Area (02158) on July 1, 2015.
On January 2, 2019, two new county equivalents were created from the former Valdez-Cordova Census Area, Alaska (02261): Chugach Census Area (02063) and Copper River Census Area (02066). Estimates for 2020 forward reflect these changes.
Broomfield County, CO, was created from parts of Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, and Weld counties effective November 15, 2001. Estimates for Broomfield county begin with 2002.
Kalawao County, Hawaii is combined with Maui County. Separate estimates for the jurisdictions making up the combination areas are not available.
Shannon County, SD was renamed to Oglala Lakota County, SD on May 1, 2015.
Virginia combination areas consist of one or two independent cities with 1980 populations of less than 100,000 combined with an adjacent county. The county name appears first, followed by the city name(s). Separate estimates for the jurisdictions making up the combination area are not available. Bedford County, VA includes the independent city of Bedford for all years.
Other area-related notes include:
Nonmetropolitan portion includes micropolitan counties.
For the All industry total and Government and government enterprises, the difference between the United States and Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan portions reflects overseas activity, economic activity taking place outside the borders of the United States by the military and associated federal civilian support staff.
State Statistics. (2024, December 7). Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Set APA as default format"Gross Domestic Product (GDP)." State Statistics. Last modified December 7, 2024. Set Chicago as default format"Gross Domestic Product (GDP)." State Statistics, 7 Dec 2024, Set MLA as default formatGross Domestic Product (GDP). State Statistics. Updated December 7, 2024. Accessed January 4, 2025. Set AMA as default format
Format or style, from the American Psychological Association, is commonly used for footnotes in behavioral and social science publications. APA citation is an author-year-system. It is one of the most common styles used and taught at colleges and high schools.
See here for more details, including APA formatting for bibliographies.
Format or style (also known as Turabian), created by the University of Chicago, is commonly used for footnotes in history, business, and fine arts and occasionally in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. The Chicago style has two systems of citation. The author-date system (most common in social sciences and sciences) cites sources parenthetically in the text.
The notes and bibliography system (most common in humanities) cites sources in numbered footnotes or endnotes which correspond to a superscript number in the text. See here for more details, including Chicago formatting for bibliographies.
Modern Language Association (MLA) format or style is most commonly used for footnotes in the language arts, cultural studies, liberal arts, and humanities. MLA uses short parenthetical citations within the text that are linked to an alphabetical list of work cited at the end of the document. MLA commonly cites using this format: author's last name, first name, title, publication, edition or chapter, and year.
See here for more details, including MLA formatting for bibliographies.
American Medical Association (AMA) format or style is most commonly used for footnotes in medicine, biomedical research, nursing, dentistry, and other life sciences. AMA uses numerical superscript for citing sources in-text and refers to a list at the end of the work. These references appear in sequential order of when the sources were cited, instead of alphabetical order.
See here for more details, including AMA formatting for bibliographies.
This database provides GDP by state and GDP per capita in nominal and constant or "chained" (2012) dollars. Constant or chained dollars reflect GDP by state adjusted for inflation to allow comparisons in real terms over time. Data are based on North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) categories. Per capita figures are based on July 1st population data from the Bureau of the Census.
The composition of some areas have changed over time. These include:
Estimates from 2008 forward separate Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area (02232) into Skagway Municipality (02230) and Hoonah-Angoon Census Area (02105). Estimates from 2009 forward separate Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area (02280) into Petersburg Census Area and Wrangell City and Borough (02275). In addition, a part of the Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area (02201) was annexed by Ketchikan Gateway Borough (02130) and part (Meyers Chuck Area) was included in the new Wrangell City and Borough (02275). The remainder of the Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area (02201) was renamed Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area (02198). Petersburg Borough (02195) was created from part of former Petersburg Census Area and part of Hoonah-Angoon Census Area (02105) for 2013 forward. Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area (02198) added part of the former Petersburg Census Area beginning in 2013. For years 2009-2012, Petersburg Borough (02195) reflects the geographic boundaries of the former Petersburg Census Area.
Wade Hampton Census Area was renamed Kusilvak Census Area (02158) on July 1, 2015.
On January 2, 2019, two new county equivalents were created from the former Valdez-Cordova Census Area, Alaska (02261): Chugach Census Area (02063) and Copper River Census Area (02066). Estimates for 2020 forward reflect these changes.
Broomfield County, CO, was created from parts of Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, and Weld counties effective November 15, 2001. Estimates for Broomfield county begin with 2002.
Kalawao County, Hawaii is combined with Maui County. Separate estimates for the jurisdictions making up the combination areas are not available.
Shannon County, SD was renamed to Oglala Lakota County, SD on May 1, 2015.
Virginia combination areas consist of one or two independent cities with 1980 populations of less than 100,000 combined with an adjacent county. The county name appears first, followed by the city name(s). Separate estimates for the jurisdictions making up the combination area are not available. Bedford County, VA includes the independent city of Bedford for all years.
Other area-related notes include:
Nonmetropolitan portion includes micropolitan counties.
For the All industry total and Government and government enterprises, the difference between the United States and Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan portions reflects overseas activity, economic activity taking place outside the borders of the United States by the military and associated federal civilian support staff.